Manifest a life of impact, success and overflow.

Are you ready to live a your life at a higher level with a higher calling and experience higher possibilities? You're in the right place.

I'm so glad you're here

I'm Emily Rivera!

I’ve been intuitive all my life, and offering insights since childhood. For over a decade now, I’ve been professionally supporting individuals of varying ages and backgrounds connect to Divine guidance, offering them answers, tools, and strategies to create a life of fulfilment, freedom, and abundance.

My reminder to you

YOU are MORE than HUMAN.

You are MEANT for MORE.

It's time to start living like it.

Start your journey

Explore my angel-guided programs that help you live life unleashed.

Free Angel Winks

Sign up for my free subscription that sends you angel-inspired notes that uplift, inspire and bring a moment of joy into your day.


Elevate and awaken to the highest potentials and version of YOU with private, one-on-one coaching.


Access Divine Guidance to help you get clarity and answers to your most pressing questions about your life.

The Feminine Code

Experience the Divine Feminine -- courses, coaching, community, and events for women ready for more.

Events + Retreats

The Feminine Code Experience is coming soon! Learn more about our 2-day retreat in New York City.


Explore courses ranging from love, financial abundance, spirituality, the feminine and more.


What My Clients Are Saying

Emily helped me reconnect with my authentic self and adopt so many practices that have helped light my path. The synchronicities that I witnessed were truly amazing and I’m happy to say that they are still unfolding daily. I will be forever grateful for this experience and believe that it was a catalyst to help me closer align to my souls purpose.

Stacie Scalise

Want Emily to speak at your next event?

Emily is currently booking keynotes for 2024. To learn more her about speaking and availability, click below.

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